After visiting the civil affairs office, the notary, and the passport office, we went to the Silk Market. We had lunch at a "Mexican" restaurant. Phoebe wanted a "hamburger"-one of the few English words she knows. She and Malia only ate the french fries, while Joe and I had some chips, guacamole, salsa, and quesadillas. OH well. We let the girls browse around the market. One floor had many children's items, so we got the girls some silk slippers and they each picked out a My Little Pony. Phoebe loves anything pink, so pink slippers and the pony known as PinkyPie (according to Malia). The girls had a nice time and we weren't there long. We decided we couldn't do another day of sightseeing and just wanted to buy some affection (we aren't above that at this point). Our guide was with us in the morning, but dropped us off at the silk market. Phoebe let me hold her hand when we crossed a street, which was a major gain (usually she says, "no!"). The girls played when we got back to the hotel. Malia wanted to go swimming, but Phoebe said, "no". I've been so worried about her. She hardly talked all day-she won't try to say things to us in Chinese. We have the translator app on my phone, but she won't use it. She won't try to repeat words in English and won't even in Mandarin. We understand. She's sad, she's frustrated, and she's probably just totally overwhelmed. We went to get something to eat, in the executive lounge. She wanted gummy sharks that they have in a dish. I asked that she take some regular food first. I came to regret that. She said no to regular food and sat down to the table without anything. Then, the tears came again. So-back to the room we went, to avoid a scene. We have noodle bowls in the room, and a hot pot we can use to heat water. She wouldn't eat noodles either. She was done with us. Malia wanted to go swimming and I decided that she needed a break. Phoebe had the choice to go swimming with mama and Malia, or stay in the room with Baba. She chose watching cartoons with Baba. In desperation, we decided to put on some Chinese cartoons. We went back and forth with whether we should or shouldn't-it will keep her happy, but it will keep her further from us. In the end, we decided happy wins out. At the pool, Malia was tearful. She feels the weight of it all too-the poor girl. When we got back to the room, she cried because she wants her sister to be happy. We all do. I would do just about anything to put and keep a smile on her face, but the evenings are SO hard. After everyone was in pajamas, I pulled up some Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson videos on my phone. Cue the mama dancing crazy to try to get a laugh or smile (I did get a small smirk. Malia laughed, saying I was creeping her out. And Phoebe tried hard NOT to watch me). oh well. I will make a fool out of myself if I can get that shell to crack a little bit. Once the girls were tucked in, Malia gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips and guess who followed suit????!! Yep- Phoebe gave me a hug AND a kiss on the lips! So-I took full advantage and gave her about 10 more kisses on her little head! PROGRESS! Poor Baba. Phoebe will hardly look at him, but she has probably not known any men in her life-everyone worker at the orphanage is female. Today, we are heading to the Summer Palace on our own. Joe is determined to figure out the subway. How bad could we get lost???!! The Summer palace has beautiful gardens and I figure the girls can play and run around. Baba will bring the bubbles--who can resist Baba blowing bubbles?! Praying we break through that shell a little more today! I'll dance in front of millions if I Have to!