Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our last full day in Guangzhou!

I thought I would take this time to make a top ten list.  2 actually.

Top Ten things we will miss about China:
-Authentic Chinese Food
-Monopoly money
-One on one time with Malia
-Fresh sheets every day.  This will never likely happen at home!
-Swimming in the pool at the White Swan
-Chinese driving (Joe will miss this, I will not).  It's like a game of frogger, even for pedestrians. 
-Piles of dumplings
-Being in our own little bubble world
-Joe will miss chopsticks and flip flops on a daily basis. 

Top Ten things we will NOT miss about China:
-Smelling like Chinese food 24/7
-Having people talk about us, in front of us, not understand what they are saying, while Malia understands   every word
-The food-while I love Chinese food, I think we're ready for a yummy burger and fries. 
-Living out of a suitcase and having our clothes not smell as fresh as we would like. 
-****Being away from the boys****Blaise crying on the phone this morning just about did me in
-Bad hair days.  The hotel blow dryers, despite being 220 volts, is not as high of wattage as home, so it takes me twice as long to do my hair and it still feels damp.  My flat iron, although dual voltage, doesn't get as hot either.  After the pool, in the afternoon, I just let it dry and look like a friz ball.  And I don't even care by that time!
-Hazy skies.  No true blue skies in China.  Not much wildlife either.  The guy at one of the shops said their wildlife was killed off about 50 years ago.  Probably a lot of truth in that.  No hunting laws were enforced.
-American beer (Joe)
-Sharing a bed with a 5 year old -(We may have a rough time at home, but we plan to work on this from day one when we get home).  Mommy and Daddy need alone time.
-Using water from water bottles.  We are looking forward to drinking water and brushing our teeth from the faucet.  It's the little things!


  1. Once again, Lindsey, you have done a fantastic job with this blog in helping others who come after to be prepared for the good and the challenging parts of a life changing trip to China. :)

  2. OKAY...this is the COOLEST thing ever! :) I just figured out from Facebook that you guys adopted. :) I have three...two from Colombia (9 and 6) and one from Taiwan (Chinese descent) who is two. :)

    CONGRATS you two!!!

    Michelle (Stanfield) Newman

    Here's my blog: helloholanihao.blogspot.com

  3. Hey Lindsey! I am just catching up with your story, gracious she is beautiful! We are adopting our son from the same orphanage so your blogging has been great and oh so informative.....and kept me from addressing my laundry pile....so that makes it even better. :) Thanks for letting us follow along!
