We met so many nice people today, while getting Malia's photo taken for her visa, and while we were at the medical exam building. Adoptive parents everywhere! We talked to one couple, Dave and Marie, and they have adopted their first child, Abby, who is 2. They live in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Only a few hours from us! We were all wanting some company, so we decided to meet for dinner at 5pm. We went to the Cow and Bridge Thai restaurant, here on Shamian Island. It was good, but the company was great! We spent over 2 hours at dinner together and the girls did really well together, despite their age difference. They were both sharing toys and Malia gave a picture she had colored, to Abby. It was so nice to have some conversation, with other adults, I think we could have sat there all night, talking. They are staying at the Victory hotel, just around the corner from us. Wish we were at the same hotel together, but we've got their room number and are hoping we can meet up again. We also chatted with another adoptive family, with whom I had met on-line. They've got a 2 year old girl as well. She came up to us at the White Swan pool and asked if we were the Brockways. Yep!! So nice to socialize!
Malia LOVED the pool. She didn't love the water temp so much. After about an hour, she was a little blue and shivering, so we had to end the swim. She jumped in and went under several times, and just laughed and played. She let Daddy take her around and throw her in the air. She made friends with a 9 year old American boy, who kept fetching her beach ball for her. She would tell him, "shay, shay" (thank you) and she made a bit of a game out of it.
We went to Shamian Park, where there was an older couple, singing, along with some sort of band. They had tiny plastic stools set up all around, for people to sit on, so Malia plopped down on one. She was so intent on listening to the music and singing, I hated to pry her away. She just swayed her head to the music. She really loves music and singing. After that, we walked along the Pearl River, down to the playground area. We were the only adoptive family there, but lots of Chinese families. She had a ball, running around on the equipment, but some of it was a little young for her, and not much of a challenge for our big girl. That used up some more of her energy though.
We did some shopping-of course! We bought her some new sandals, at Sherry's-known to have the best selection of squeaky shoes. Malia picked out some cute sandals-pretty cheap. We'll do more shopping tomorrow, with Kelly, our guide. Kelly showed us shopping spots, on the island, today, and showed us where to get our laundry done. Kelly told us what we could buy on the island, and what we should wait and buy off the island. She recommended waiting to buy pearls or tea sets (the ones on the island will have too much lead paint).
Earlier in the day, at the medical exam, we learned that Malia is 37.5 inches tall and weighs 32 pounds. She's a peanut, which we already knew. A smart peanut! She has good manners and she always tells people thank you, if they do something for her.
She is already getting better with daddy. She prefers mommy for some things, but daddy for entertainment. Right this minute, she is combing daddy's hair and making him pretty. That's hard work!
Well, after a really great day, I think we'll call it day very soon. We will meet Kelly in the morning, after breakfast, and decide on a game plan. Maybe some shopping.
Meeting with the doctor |
Waiting patiently at the medical center |
Posing for daddy and the camera |
All medical exams should be this much fun! |
This is for Rachel. A nice bleb! |
Right before the tb test. She told the lady to be gentle |
An informal eye exam |
This is fun! |
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