Friday, May 27, 2011

We have arrived in Guangzhou!!!! YAY!

We left the hotel around 4:30 pm yesterday.  When we got to the airport, there appeared to be a problem with our reservations.  Apparently, they didn't have Malia's reservation!  This is something our agency arranged, not us, so we had no information with which to confirm.  I just assumed they would confirm all flights.  After some phone calls, our guide got us on the following flight to Guangzhou-an hour later.  Of course, that flight was delayed, so we didn't end up leaving until nearly 8:30 pm, for a 2 hour flight.  Malia and I were SO tired!  We've been going to bed at 8pm every night.  So, by the time we got our luggage, drove across town, and arrived to the hotel, it was well after 11pm. 

The other glitch was that our Guangzhou guide wasn't feeling well (or something), so the hotel sent a van and a worker to meet us.  Malia had to pee so bad because she had falling asleep on the flight and woke up in the airport, with me carrying her.  Thankfully, Joe got the bags quickly, and the girl from the hotel whisked us to the bathroom-no time to spare!!!  

Walking into the White Swan hotel is like walking into paradise.  The lobby is just so beautiful.  No time last night, to take pictures.  I will post some later.

We're off to breakfast, a medical exam and tb test for Malia, and a visa photo for her.  Only 5 days in paradise!  I can't wait to walk around Shamian island today.  If you get a chance, look it up.  Malia loves greenery and I think she will LOVE Michigan, with all of the trees, lakes, etc.  She's a nature girl.  Every time she sees flowers, trees, and grass, she goes on and on about how beautiful they are. 

Love to all!  SO happy to be here, with one step closer to home!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! You made it!!! I didn't know you'd be staying at the White Swan. Can't wait for you to have breakfast there, ha!!

    Jill G
